Thursday, 10 January 2019

Microsoft, Samsung and Qualcomm talk connected PCs in 2019

It's been slightly over a year a year since we saw the first crop of Microsoft's "Always connected PCs." By now, we know why a laptop that's always online is super appealing, and are well aware of the trade-offs. Making better connected notebooks in 2019 requires a team effort across software and hardware makers. They'll need to address challenges in educating the consumer, figuring out how to enable the sale of bite-sized chunks of data, as well as the evergreen desire for faster performance. One our stage at CES 2019, we talked to the following executives from Microsoft, Samsung and Qualcomm about their plans to improve connected computing in 2019, and how 5G will impact it all.
Microsoft: Pete Bernard, Principal General Product Manager, Silicon Partnerships
Samsung: Shoneel Kolhatkar, Senior Director, Mobile Computing
Qualcomm: Don McGuire, Vice President, Global Product Marketing


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